Harvey Mackay
Harvey Mackay

No business can stay in business without customers. How you treat - or mistreat - them determines how long your doors stay open.

Heather Cox Richardson
Heather Cox Richardson

Republican ideology says the government has no business supporting ordinary Americans: they should work to survive, even if that means they have to take the risk of contracting Covid-19.

Henry Martyn
Henry Martyn

I see no business in life but the work of Christ.

Henry Zebrowski
Henry Zebrowski

I love reading for a character I have no business reading for.

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton

My father was a small-businessman, and if he didn't get up and go to work, there would be no business.

Huma Qureshi
Huma Qureshi

If a woman is saying something out loud, she is asking for help, and you have no business to character assassinating her. You have to reach out to her and help her and protect her, and I think we need to protect our women, and we need to protect our children.

Irving Berlin
Irving Berlin

There's no business like show business.

James Cash Penney
James Cash Penney

No business can succeed in any great degree without being properly organized.

James Denton
James Denton

My parents were amazing people who had no business being together - and they knew it.

Jamie Lee Curtis
Jamie Lee Curtis

I'm a layperson. I barely got out of high school. I have no business telling people what to do or my big philosophy on life. I'm certainly not going to write any sort of memoir.